Museum tour with Elena and Boris Kuznetsov at Metropolitan Museum

Museum Tours

Met tours

Russian children aged 5-12 look at a painting by Tiepollo

Here you can find links to scheduled guided tours to museums for children and adults. Most of the tours are in Russian and for children from 5 to 14 years old. Please check the links below to get the details: like Museum name/ address, time of the tours, cost etc.

to pay for the next tour you can use direct link to paypal:

list of  event:

В Гости К Синему Киту. Natural History Museum Tour. Dec 2nd

Guggenheim Museum tour



Старинные праздники, 17 декабря, 2017


12:00 pm-

2:30 pm-

4:00 pm-



Recent events:


JAN 22 Декоративное Искусство Метрополитен. Тур для детей.

Сокровища древнего Египта. 3 Декабря, 2017


Пикассо, Матисс и их Современники. Met4Kids tour Met Museum, Nov 6th, 2016 Tour for children with Elena and Boris Kuznetsov in Russian. link below:!topic/met4kids/CVV6IZtFxRI

Каноны Красоты – Древняя Греция. MET Museum Саша Кузнецов, Oct 30th, 2016

Tour for children with Sasha Kuznetsov

Загадочная Живопись XX века. #Met4Kids, Sunday October 16th. 2016

Пауль Клее, юмор и фантазия Met Breuer museum Саша Кузнецов, Sunday, Ocober 16th 2016!forum/met4kids

Ван Гог, Гоген, Матисс, Сера. Постимпрессионизм. МЕТ, 18е сентября

March 6th, European Sculpture traditions/ Традиции Европейской Скульптуры MET

Jan 24/ Feb 21st. Kandinsky- from Impressionism to Abstract /Guggenheim Museum ( sold out)

Art of Egyptian Pyramids, Met Museum, Sunday, June 28th, @ 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm!topic/met4kids/ak7K3lfn21A

Plain Indians, April 19th,!topic/met4kids/eCgcHLocZbY


Classic Greek Sculpture -“Традиции Классической Скульптуры!” march 22, 2015

What the paintings are made from? “Из чего сделаны картины?!”, march 1st, 2015

Cubism and Picasso.

Ancient Holidays. – a special Russian guide  for you and your children to all the New York Museums of Art

Museum Guided Tours for Children & Adults. Art Classes. English / Russian. NY NJ CT